Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New Roomate Part 2

Person B left, and that was that, or so I thought. Three days later, the guy whose apartment he moved into gave me a call. He wanted advice on kicking person B out. We decided that he could legally do so without getting into trouble. Person B moved into another place that night.
The next day, Saturday, person B gave me a call asking me to help him find a place to stay. Apparently he had been kicked out of his newest place as well. I picked him up at 3 pm, and I finally got home at 3 am. We looked at a bunch of places, but no one wanted him to move in. We were getting pretty desperate and he was calling everyone, but it was late. One guy said, "You're calling for an apartment at midnight! Idiot! Click."
We decided to go to a hostel. We went to one in Santa Monica. He gave them his id, and the guy was typing it into his computer. Then he looked up and said, "Sorry, I can't rent a room to you". We both said, "What?!?" And he said, "You're on our no-renters list". At this point I thought to myself... oh no, nobody's going to accept him and he's going to end up spending the night in my car. We went to another hostel. They wanted a passport, and he didn't have one. Person B and the guy almost got into a fist fight in the parking lot. We went to a third hostel, but they wanted more information than he was willing to give. Finally, we went to a shady hotel, and they actually gave him a room. I dumped him off there and went home.
So after that, he's given me a call once on Sunday and once on Tuesday, both times for rides even though I told him I was done with giving him those. He's still at the hotel, he hasn't gone to his job at LA Fitness in over a week, he's running out of money quickly, and now that I'm not helping him anymore I don't know what he's going to do.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

New Roomate

One of my roomates, person C, got a new job and moved out because of the commute. We have three months left on the lease so he found a subletter, person B, to replace him.

At first he seemed okay, although rather talkative. There were some flags, such as the fact that he needed to move in immediately because his previous landlord had apparently got another renter behind his back, and that he wanted to be an actor (which is always a flag in LA). Also, since he just started working (at the LA Fitness across the street), he didn't have any money. He gave person C a $100 deposit, and agreed to pay rent when he got his next paycheck. We confirmed with his employer that he was working there and moved him in.

The biggest flag was that his credit score is about 500. That's pretty bad, and means he's not good at paying for things which he owes money for. After we found this out we decided to kick him out and the next day we told him that he could stay a couple of days and then leave. But he refused to leave, stating that he hadn't done anything wrong. He did have a point there, so we let him stay. The day after that though, he asked person C if he could borrow his $100 deposit back.

Another thing is that he talks a lot. Person C warned us about this, but I didn't think someone talking a lot was a big deal. But this guy just doesn't stop. I went to the bathroom once, and he kept on talking to me the whole time, and when I got out he said "Right Jeff?" and I hadn't even heard a word he said. He claims he is Neo from the Matrix and that he will singlehandedly make LA Fitness rich even though everyone else at the company is out to get him. He once said he works 12 hours a day 8 days a week. From what I've seen, he always seems to sleep in and go to work late every day. He also once said that Hulk Hogan has 72 inch biceps.

So person K, my other roomate, decides that he's going to keep bugging person B about keeping the place clean in order to make person B leave. This works spectacularly well as after only a week, person B blows up and gets into a huge argument with person K. Person B has also been taking our food so person K writes him a note saying we don't appreciate him doing that. They get into another argument, and person K writes another note later on that essentially tells person B to get out. This picture is person B's not very legible response. Person C then served him an eviction notice which he proceeded to rip up.

He's really kind of messed up. He doesn't understand money. Every night he buys single items like on bag of chips, one coke or beer, and a sandwich. He doesn't buy in bulk because it costs more, and he doesn't see that it will save him money over the long run. Also, one day he was really excited and told me he went to a car dealership and they were going to give him a car with no money down. But he doesn't have a license and in order to get one he has to pay off a bunch of outstanding speeding tickets. So he'd be making payments on a car he can't drive. Another thing is that he keeps calling people for apartments all night, even at 3 am. I told him not to, but he said he doesn't see why they wouldn't talk to him if they really wanted to get a roomate.

Anyways, since I'm the only one who would help him, I ended up giving him my cellphone (his phone is disconnected because he didn't pay the bill) and driving him around all weekend. Then I drove him around for 4 hours on Monday and 6 hours on Tuesday after work. We finally found a place Tuesday night, and he moved out.

lying with the hedges

i remember when i was a kid, i used to like looking at the neatly trimmed hedges along roads. they were always so flat and dense at the top that i liked to imagine running on top of them. however, these thoughts always stayed confined to my imagination. a test using my hand with a little bit of pressure on the top of a hedge quickly revealed that there was no way the bushes could come close to supporting a person's weight.

unfortunately, this fact was not obvious to our cousin jeff. one evening while were are alongside a rather healthly looking hedge, he took it upon himself to perform the same experiment i had conducted a long time ago as a kid. however, rather than using using his hand, as i had done, jeff decided to test the weight bearing capability of the hedge with his entire body. with a little leap from the sidewalk, jeff attempted to lay prostrate on top of the hedge. the result was surprising to only jeff. he ended up stuck halfway down the hedge and had to roll off the hedge back onto the sidewalk. all i could do was laugh.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Yay I got a car, finally

It's a 2002 Toyota Camry XLE V6, fully loaded, leather, navigation system...
And the display even tells me what song and artist I'm listening to on the radio.
Oh, one funny thing that happened was that after we'd done all the haggling, we're handling everything and he asks for my insurance card. And I said, I don't have insurance, and he said, you can't leave the lot without insurance. I called my parents, but they're always at the clubhouse of course, so I couldn't reach them. The guy said what I could do is pay $367 for one month of insurance from them, which is a lot. I decided to wait around for my parents instead. After about half an hour they finally picked up and told me I wasn't on their insurance either, so they couldn't help me there. Finally, one of my roomates remembered some commercial abbout www.esurance.com where you can get a quote online and buy it directly there. So I asked for internet access, they provided it, and I bought my car insurance right there... $850 for six months.