Thursday, April 14, 2005

I know way too much about Oprah...

Well, it's been a while since I've done this whole blog thing (6 months for my own blog), but I think it's a neat way for us all to stay in touch.

I'm trying to finish up my graduation project on Oprah Winfrey, which I've been putting off for four years. I get some strange looks from people when they hear that I'm writing about Oprah, but I know someone who did "how to make a PB&J sandwich." And no, I do not watch the Oprah Winfrey Show. I'm also not part of her fan club or anything else like that. Her name just popped up in the news in March, and I thought, "I need to do something for my graduation project, why not do it on Oprah?" I'd thought it would be really neat to do it on her, but a month later and I'm sick of her. I spend way too much time thinking (and researching) about this project (besides college), because I'm afraid that I'll fail and not be able to graduate. The good thing is that after my April 21st presentation date, I will never have to read another book about Oprah (10 books from 7 libraries, isn't the inter-library loan system great?) or hear people say "WHY Oprah??!!" again.

Only 2 months till graduation, and I'm really excited. Unfortunately, I still have to do my 12p crit paper on "Cry, the Beloved Country," due in 2 weeks....

It's 12 now, and I need to wake up at 4 to drive up to Cornell. Before I sign off............Happy birthday Harry and Emily!


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